
This past Sunday in Kids Church (1st-6th grades), we began a new series called "Beefesians". We are going through the Book of Ephesians, and learning that God wants us to Belong, Believe, Be Patient, Behave, and Be Strong.

This is a video series, brought to us by Kidmo. We try to use video lessons a few times throughout the year to keep things fresh and to give us time to plan creative elements for our live stuff.

This week, the kids learned that God wants us to Belong. We learned that God wants to adopt every person to be a part of His family.

In our small groups, we discussed the following questions:
  • What does it feel like to be accepted?  We talked about times that people welcomed us or made us feel special.
  • Why would someone want to adopt someone else?  We discussed adoption and we talked about why God would want to adopt us into His family.  We talked about what it must feel like to be adopted.
  • How can you be adopted into God's family?  We talked about how to accept Jesus into our hearts and make him the leader of our lives.  We committed to trying to live each day like sons and daughters of God.
Our verse for this week is John 1:12 - "But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God."

Snow Day

Hey everybody,

The snow is keeping us away from church this week, so we've got our Kids Church message here for you to enjoy with your kids.

Support our MOPS

The MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) is a fantastic ministry to families.  They provide ministry, encouragement, support, and fellowship to young moms.

Tonight, February 4, you can help support them by eating dinner at CiCi's Pizza on Garrisonville Rd, from 4-8pm.  Please don't miss this opportunity to help out,

Pay Attention!!

This past Sunday, we had our 4th installment of the Be A Champion series in our Kids Church.  We learned that in order to be the champion that God desires, we have to pay attention.

We talked about the ways that God speaks to us, and the kids learned that we have to spend time with God everyday in order to stay connected to Him.  If we don't stay connected to God, we will miss out on what He wants to say to us.

We learned about the prophet Samuel, who as a young boy learned to hear God's voice and follow His plan.  We also learned that God always answers our prayers.

In our small groups, we talked about things we've prayed for in the past and the ways that God responded.  We encouraged the kids to keep prayer journals so that they could keep track of God's answers to their prayers.

Our memory verse for this week is Psalm 17:6: "I call to you, O God, for you will answer me."
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