This past Sunday in the Kids Church (1st-6th grades), the kids learned that being a Christ-follower means that we have to battle against our natural instinct to be selfish, because giving our lives to God means we want what He wants.
We talked Judas, and how he was faced with the choice between God's Kingdom and personal gain. We talked about seeking God's Kingdom first, because nothing else lasts.
In our small groups, we asked:
- What do you love? We asked the kids to tell us about the things that are important to them.
- What does it mean to seek God's Kingdom first? We explained that when we make God #1 in our lives, we care about the things He cares about. We came up with a list of things that God values that people sometimes don't.
- How can you make God #1 this week? We explained to the kids that we sometimes have to give up something or do things differently in order to keep God #1. We asked them what they needed to give up or do less in order to show God that He is #1 in their lives. We encouraged the kids not to let anything take the place of God in their lives this week.