Memorize It

This past Sunday in Kids Church (1st-6th grades), we continued our series called "Imagine". We are learning about Joshua's imaginative leadership and discovering the Promise, Protection, Pathway, Picture and Power that God  provides His people.

This is a video series, brought to us by Kidmo. We try to use video lessons a few times throughout the year to keep things fresh and to give us time to plan creative elements for our live stuff.

This week, the kids learned that God wants us to know His word. We learned that it is important for us to use God's word to help us make good decisions.

In our small groups, we discussed the following questions:
  • Why would we choose to memorize God's word instead of just bringing a Bible everywhere we go?  We talked about things that we have memorized (phone numbers, address, the Pledge of Allegiance, etc.) and how it is sometimes necessary to be able to remember that info in a hurry.
  • How can memorizing God's word help protect us from making hurtful choices?  We read 2 Timothy 3:16, and discussed the many uses for God's word.
  • How can you develop a game plan to memorize God's word?  We talked about different methods of memorizing verses and encouraged the kids to learn at least one verse this week.

Strong & Courageous

This past Sunday in Kids Church (1st-6th grades), we began a new series called "Imagine". We are learning about Joshua's imaginative leadership and discovering the Promise, Protection, Pathway, Picture and Power that God  provides His people.

This is a video series, brought to us by Kidmo. We try to use video lessons a few times throughout the year to keep things fresh and to give us time to plan creative elements for our live stuff.

This week, the kids learned that God wants us to be strong and courageous. We learned that God wants us to live every day aware that He is right by our sides.

In our small groups, we discussed the following questions:
  • How can we be strong and courageous when others make us feel weak?  We talked about times that we felt like giving up because of something someone else said to us.
  • Why would God tell us to be strong and courageous?  We read Joshua 1:5-9 as a group and discussed why God would tell Joshua to be strong and courageous so many times.
  • Why would we need God's courage?  We talked about reasons someone might become afraid, and how knowing God is with us might change that fear to courage.

Happy Mother's Day!

We here at Horizons' Kids Ministries hope that all of you moms had a great day this past Sunday.  You are all so very awesome!

This past Sunday in Kids Church (1st-6th grade), we concluded our Kids at Work series.  We continued our discussion of the jobs kids do, and how God wants to use them.

In this fifth and final week of our series, we learned that one of their jobs is to be a part of their families.  The kids learned that God wants them to be peacemakers in their homes.  We explained that it the responsibility of everyone in a family to demonstrate love and forgiveness to each other.

We talked about being peacemakers and being the first person to apologize and make things right when conflicts arise.  We told the story of Jacob and Esau, which began with Jacob cheating his brother Esau out of his birthright, and ended with forgiveness and reconciliation.

In our small groups, we discussed the following questions:
  • Have you ever had a big fight with a family member?  We talked about some of the conflicts we've had with our family members and the things we did to resolve them.
  • Why is it important to make things right?  We talked about the danger of unresolved anger and pain, and came up with examples of ways to make things right when we fight with our families.
  • How will you be a peacemaker this week?  We asked the kids to think of a way to deal with some of their common conflicts in peaceful ways.  The kids were encouraged to pray for their families and to ask forgiveness from anyone they've angered this week.
Our verse for this week is Colossians 3:13 - "Put up with each other, and forgive anyone who does you wrong, just as Christ has forgiven you."


This past Sunday in Kids Church (1st-6th grade), we continued our Kids at Work series.  We continued our discussion of the jobs kids do, and how God wants to use them.

In this fourth week of our series, we learned that one of their jobs is to be a good friend.  The kids learned that God wants to use their relationships with friends to show the world His love.  We explained that have the power to have a huge impact on each other.

We talked about being encouragers and letting the joy that comes from knowing Jesus rub off on our friends.

In our small groups, we discussed the following questions:
  • Who makes you feel good?  We talked about friends that make a positive impact on our lives, and the things they do to make us feel good/happy/special.
  • What does it mean to be an "encourager"?  We talked about spreading the joy of Jesus to others around us.  We listed reasons why kids might need encouragement and we came up with ways to be encouraging in those situations.
  • How will you be encouraging this week?  We asked the kids to think of a friend who might need encouragement.  We shared our plans for spreading joy with them.  The kids were encouraged to pray for their friends this week.
Our verse for this week is Proverbs 18:24 - "Some friends don't help, but a true friend is closer than your own family."
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