I am pleased to announce that the Horizons Church Nursery has recently added a class specifically aimed at 3-year-old children.
The reasons for adding this class are:
- To give the 3-year-olds weekly Bible lessons that are more age-appropriate than what we offer in the Preschool Class.
- To allow those 3-year-olds who are not yet potty trained to participate in a classroom. Potty training has always been a requirement for moving to the Preschool Class.
- To help balance the class sizes between the Nursery and Preschool Class.
So, how does this affect your family?
If your child has not yet moved to the Preschool Class, your 3-year-old’s experience at church each week will be changing in a big way. The new class will offer a lesson, activities, games, and worship. We have an extremely talented staff of volunteers who are going to be teaching your kids about Jesus every week, and we expect that your kids are going to have a fantastic time.
If your child has transitioned to the Preschool Class, you have a choice. You can keep your child in the Preschool or move your child to our new 3-year-olds class. Our preference is to move kids to the new class because they will have the best chance to learn in a class that is designed for their age and learning styles. However, every child and situation is different, and we understand that you know your child best, and therefore, you know what’s best for your child and family. We support you and whatever choice you make.
Our new class will take place in the Explorers room of the Nursery. We will be shifting the rooms around so that the Explorers room will be exclusively for 3-year-olds and some 2-year-olds who are ready for a classroom environment. We understand that your child may be hesitant to move back to the Nursery. To help them be willing to try it out, we will be having a very special party in the 3-year-old class on Easter Sunday (April 4). This would be a great chance for your child to come see what our new class is all about.
I am always available to you and your family, so if you have any questions, please feel free to call (540-288-0018) or email me (jimb@horizonschurch.com). Thanks so much for allowing me and my team to serve your family.