This is a video series, brought to us by Kidmo. We try to use video lessons a few times throughout the year to keep things fresh and to give us time to plan creative elements for our live stuff.
This week, the kids learned that God wants us to Behave. We learned that following Jesus should make us different and should affect our behavior. We talked about how making bad choices after we've asked Jesus into our hearts is like shoveling dirt on something that God has already cleaned.
In our small groups, we discussed the following questions:
- When was the last time you really got in trouble? We talked about times that we got in big trouble for making bad choices, even though we knew better.
- When you choose to follow Jesus, how does that affect your behavior? We discussed different activities and how they can reflect good or bad behavior. We also talked about how good activities can reflect bad behavior if we do them at the wrong time (ex., reading when you should be doing homework or listening to the teacher, playing sports when you haven't done your chores yet, etc).
- How will you remember to choose wisely this week? We tried to come up with some simple hand motions to help us remember to behave, and we talked about doing what is right, even if your friends have different standards or rules.
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