Over the past few weeks, the Kids Church (1st-6th grade) has been doing a message series called Picture Day.
The main idea is that when God created everything, he had a picture in his mind of what everything would be like. So far, the kids have learned that sin messed up that picture and that we only have a small idea of what that picture even looks like.
This week, we are going to learn that what Jesus did on the cross restores the picture that God has for our lives. We are going to talk about what Jesus did, why he did it, and how we can apply it to our lives.
For this Sunday, April 4, we will be doing Kids Church a little different. While the 9am service will be pretty normal, the 11am service will be a very new experience. The kids will be in the Kids Church for the entire 11am service. We will have a live band leading worship, and we'll be teaching about and providing communion.
To accommodate this change, we have expanded our walls, so we'll have lots of space for extra games and fun.
It is going to be a very exciting service and we look forward to this special opportunity to share the awesome story of God's love with the kids of Horizons.
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