
"If you follow your selfish desires, you will harvest destruction, but if you follow the Spirit, you will harvest eternal life."  - Galatians 6:8 (CEV)

Just like animals, people have instincts.  Because we are born sinful, our natural instinct is often to do what is wrong.

Beginning this Sunday in Kids Church (1st-6th grade), we will begin a new series, called Instinct.  During this six-week series, we will learn about the Passion week, and what happens when we give in to, or overcome, our instincts.

The kids will be learning that being a Christ follower means that we have to overcome the desire to fit in, inaction, taking the easy way, materialism, popularity, and clinging to our sinful self.

Each week, we will be learning that following Jesus every day is a choice.  Choosing Jesus isn't always easy, but it is the best choice we will ever make!

Check back here each week to follow along with our new series, Instinct.


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